Tannery Felt

Pressed Wool Felt is available in Rolls & Sheet form in various densities ranging from 0.18 gm/c3 to 0.90 gm/c3 in various thickness. Length of felt roll can be provided up to 20 meters and width up to 2.00 meters depending upon thickness and Density.

Felt is used by the tanneries in the wet blue process and also for ironing / embossing process.

1.Wet Blue Process

The hide is fed through rollers wrapped with felt material under high pressure, which squeezes out the extra liquid and it comes out dry providing the final look and touch to the skin. Felt helps to avoid any risk of folds and creasing while the wet blue process is being carried out.

2.Felt Pads for Tannery Hydraulic Presses

Used for Ironing and Embossing. The skin is placed onto the felt pad and for giving it a final touch a hot plate comes onto the skin. It keeps pressing until its ironed. The felt pad acts as a pressure pad. Below machine is called a Hydraulic press, Embossing Machine or plating machine.

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Ahuja Felts provide top class Felts Product we are happy to work more and more with Ahuja Felts.

Donald Simpson
Chairman, Bluewater Corp